About Since79

About Since79 Productions

Who are Since79?

Since79 is a production company formed in 2020 by Kerrie Fuller. Currently it is responsible for researching, writing, recording, editing, distributing and marketing The Lost Tapes of History podcast.

Our ethos is that dry content that was previously disregarded as 'boring', can be enjoyed if delivered in the right way, with a bit of humour. You don't have to remove the 'facts', in fact real life is always more strange and exciting than anything fiction can dream up. It's also never too late to engage people and teach subjects they hated at school.

Lost Tapes aims to ignite a spark in listeners to want to investigate further, whether reading a book or visiting a historic location to learn more. If you listen to an episode and come away with one fact that you didn't know before, our work is done.

Our vision is to become the leading production company for audio and visual content delivered in this entertaining, factual way.
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