Henry I and the Child Maintenance

Henry I and the Child Maintenance

The date is November 1135. Henry is in his mid seventies and in ill health. The Child Maintenance Service turns up to confront him about his illegitimate children and who'll financially support them all when he's gone.

The Facts

All those mentioned in the podcast are suspected of being the children of Henry I. There are more than twenty in total and obviously that suggests that there were far more than were never known. He did only have two legitimate children, and to be fair, if he'd had more, it would have caused less problems later! His son and heir died on the White Ship disaster. It is said that peope were afraid to tell him what had happened.

The story about Juliane's daughters and her trying to kill him with a crossbow is true as is her escape from the castle. She seriously does need her own mini-series. It's also true that his reign saw the introduction of rabbits to England!

Other Sources

If you want to find out more about Henry, check out the sources and places below:

The Plantagenets: The Kings Who Made England - Dan Jones
The English Monarchs Series: Henry I - C Warren Holister
Henry I: King of England and Duke of Normandy - Judith A. Green

Places to Visit:
Reading Abbey Ruins (See picture 1 above)
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