Penelope Devereux and the Genealogist

Penelope Devereux and the Genealogist

The date is February 1601. Queen Elizabeth I is on the throne.
Penelope’s brother, the Earl of Essex, has just been executed.
Now, it’s crucial that she stake her royal claim so calls for a genealogist to prove it.

The Facts

It's true that Penelope was the sister to the Earl of Essex, Elizabeth's favourite who had been executed for treason. Her family connections are as stated.

She was indeed descended from five medieval queens and therefore had a claim to the throne. She was married off to Robert Rich, but it was not a happy marriage as she had a long term affair with Charles Blount until they too were married.

She did have 10 children across her two husbands and they really did have those names! She really did make contact with James VI of Scotland in order to line herself up against the new monarch.

Other Sources

If you want to find out more about Penelope, check out the sources and places below:

The Lady Penelope: The Lost Tale of Love and Politics in the Court of Elizabeth I - Sally Varlow

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